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Tracking Status

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There are 5 Tracking Statuses for Product Codes

When creating new product codes, you need to select a tracking status:

  • Tracked - Normally, PCodes are marked as Tracked, even if the client is not doing integration.

  • Barcoded, but not yet compared to accounting - This is for a client who is doing integration. If a Product Code is marked this way, then when invoices come over from the accounting system, TrackAbout will ignore this Product Code when comparing. Normally, when scanned quantities and accounting quantities for an Asset Type match, the Invoice automatically verifies. If they don't match, then the Invoice shows up in the Verifications page. However, if the quantities don't match and the Product Code has been marked as "Barcoded, but not yet compared to accounting," then the Invoice will automatically verify, even though the quantities don't match.

  • Tracked, but not barcoded - BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE! Yes, it does mean that the user can deliver NS and compare those to accounting during integration. But it means more than that. If it finds a line item where the TA quantity is less than the accounting quantity, TrackAbout will automatically add Not-Scanned Assets to the "Tracked" line of the record to make it match the "Accounting" line as seen in the Invoice's Summary View.

  • Ignored - This product is not currently tracked in TrackAbout. It will not appear in any drop-down lists.

  • Obsolete - The product code is tracked in TrackAbout, but it will not appear in any drop-down lists. This is helpful for cases where assets of a certain product code are on customers' balances, but the client does not want any new assets to be added with this product code, nor want any Fills to be done using this product code.