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Rental Balance

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Rental Balance
In Module: Rental
Short Description This Customer report displays the current rental balance of the selected customer and all departments that bill with this customer.
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This Customer report displays the current rental balance of the selected customer and all departments that bill with this customer. It is only enabled for rental customers.

How it Works

The balances are calculated since the end date of the last Billing Period. Owned and Leased quantities are deducted from Current Balance to determine Rental Balance. Balances can be viewed by asset type or by rental class.

Fractional Rental Balances

Sometimes, you may see Rental Balances which are not whole numbers. That is because the agreement or ownership quantities are fractional. Several things can cause this:

  • Prorating of agreements / leases has been enabled in your environment. If the billing period is not a complete month, that can cause the leases to be fractional when prorated.
  • Prorating of agreements / leases has been enabled in your environment. If the lease started in the middle of the month, that can cause the leases to be fractional.
  • Calculating of leases - even if prorating of agreements is not enabled, it is possible to have fractional lease quantities based on how the lease is calculated.
    • The lease logic goes through each line item and assigns as many leases it can to it before moving on to the next line item.
    • The order in which the line items are selected is determined mostly by the rates for each line item.
    • If TrackAbout is trying to apply the lease to one line, but the assets were not on the customer's balance for an entire month, it may use the rest of that lease quantity on the next line, resulting in a fractional quantity on that next line.

Customizing it for You

Setting it Up

If you need any of the functionality described under the Customizing it for You section, please contact your TrackAbout Support Team

