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Linked Exchange - Manage Mappings

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When a sender sends a Linked Exchange message to a recipient, the record sent includes key information needed by the recipient's system to add that record to their system. The information is from the sender's system, so in order to add that information to the recipient's system, the values must be mapped properly. Recipients can do that using the Manage Mapping screen.

When the first message comes in, nothing will be mapped, and the message will fail. The first indication in TrackAbout that there is a problem will be on the TrackAbout Dashboard. There are two Linked Exchange items:

  1. The first line indicates that mappings are missing. Any items not mapped wil cause messages to fail, and should be mapped before continuing.
  2. The second line indicates how many messages received have failed to be processed.

          When the value for either of these lines is greater than 0, there will be a link to go directly to the page to fix the issues identified.


When you click through to the Manage Partner Mappings page, you will be presented with a page allowing you to change how items are mapped. There are three things that need to be mapped:

  1. Sender locations: A sender delivers to a location, and that will map to a recipient's customer.
  2. Sender customers; A sender delivers to a customer, and that will map to a recipient's customer.
  3. Sender Product Codes: Sender product codes need to be mapped to recipient product codes. To assist in this, senders also send the category, group and type for the product code.

This page shows the types of mappings  in place:

  • Location to customer mappings (sender Locations to recipient customers)
  • Customer to location mappings (Sender Customers to recipient locations)
  • Product code mappings (between the sender's and recipient's product codes)

To make it easier to view or edit mapping, this page allows you to filter mappings (show all or show only items needsing mappings).

If there are invalid mappings an alert will be shown at the top of the page advising: " there are invalid mappings that still need to be mapped".

For each mapping shown, you can click the Edit button to change how the item is mapped.

  • When editing a Location To Customer mapping, you can enter a Customer ID directly, or search for one (using the underlined "search" link). Once done, click the Save button, and the mapping is updated. Searching for a Customer uses the same Customer Search screen used elsewhere in TrackAbout.
  • Editing Customer to Location mappings involves selecting a Location from the drop down. Once done, click the Save button, and the mapping is updated.
  • Editing a product code mapping can be done two ways.
  1. If you know the product code, you can type it in directly and save it, similarly to how typing in a Customer ID works, above.
  2. If you don't know the product code you want to map to, you can click the search icon to show a popup, allowing you to find product codes via category, group and type.

Once done, click the Save button, and the mapping is updated.

Once all mappings have been updated, the message indicating that there are invalid mappings will not be displayed. Messages that have failed to process will also automatically be retried.