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Labels for Chemical Totes

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TrackAbout Recommendations for Chemical Tote Tracking Labels

TrackAbout has evaluated several label types, sizes and formats for use on Roll Off Containers. We've condensed our best practices into a set of recommendations for the label to use and how to use them.

Best Practices

  • 2 barcodes on each chemical totes
  • Place them near where a user is likely to be standing when picking up or dropping off.
  • Place them in the same location on every container.
  • Wipe the surface clean before attaching labels to a tote.

Label Specifications

We're recommending a 2.680 X 3.480 label. They have an excellent adhesive and will stand up to outdoor use for many years.

Large labels
Labels per container 2
Scanning distance (Using an iPhone 7 during the day) 4-5 feet
  • Can scan from further away
  • More visible from a distance
  • More adhesive to stick to the container
Subsurface Printing Subsurface printing protects against extreme solvents, caustics, acids and mild abrasion while eliminating need for a laminate
Adhesive 002" MC78 adhesive. This adhesive has excellent durability, particularly suited for a wide range of poly and other low-surface energy materials (powderpaints,

etc). Great first initial tact, very hard to remove.

Abrasion Resistant 2,500 revolutions on Taber Abrader
Chemical Resistant When properly applied this adhesive can withstand splashes of organic solvents, weak acids and bases, salt water, cleaning solutions, germicidals, disinfectants, oils, etc.
UV Resistant If exposed to UV 24/7, will last 7 years. If exposed intermittently, 7-10 years.
Service Temperature Range -40°F to 350°F for intermittent exposure and -40°F to 302°F for longer exposure.

This is how your labels will appear (image is not to scale):

Roll Off Labels.png

Label Placement

Your labels will arrive in sets of two. This graphic provides the recommended label placement for your containers:

Recommended Tote Label placement.png

As stated above, when affixing labels, be sure to have a clean dry surface. Also, it's best to place the label in a place that won't receive regular rubbing but is easy to access for scanning purposes.

Purchasing Labels

To order labels, like the ones recommended here or any other size and specifications, please email labels@trackabout.com for assistance.