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Data Lock

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Data Lock
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description Data Lock is designed to protect existing records in TrackAbout from unwanted changes.
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Data Lock is designed to protect existing records in TrackAbout from unwanted changes. Without a data lock in place, any user with sufficient privileges can edit or make changes to any record in the system, no matter how old.

When you set a data lock, you are setting a date. With a data lock in place, users will no longer be able to make changes to records whose dates are older than the data lock’s date.

The main reason to start using the data lock feature is to prevent users from making changes to old or verified records that might have an impact on customer balances after those customers have been billed. Another reason to use data lock is to simply protect the integrity of the long history of data you’ve worked so hard to accumulate.