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Customer Reports

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Customer Reports
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description A set of standard website reporting to provide information about customer accounts.
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The customer reports page provides access to useful breakdowns and summary of a client's asset activity.

Asset Balance Report

This report calculates the complete balance of the selected customer and any departments.

By default, this report shows the current, up-to-the-minute balance, but it can calculate the balance at any point in time in the past as well. It does not automatically show what part of the balance is made up of unique, barcoded assets and what part is Not-Scanned assets, but this setting can be changed.

You can switch to the Asset Details Report for a specific customer by clicking on the Switch to Asset Details Report link next to the customer's name.

Asset List Report

This report displays all the unique scanned assets out to the selected customer as of specific date. This does not include any Not-Scanned assets. It can be accessed by viewing a customer and then clicking "Asset List" in the Customer Reports section.

Rental Balance

This report displays the current rental balance of the selected customer and all departments that bill with this customer. Only enabled for rental customers.

Exchange Type

If exchange type is enable, the rental balance page allows to edit exchange balances

Lease and rental balance having a decimal value

If a rental billing period is open AND that the system configuration allows prorating of asset agreements, the customer rental balance page can display "Leased as of Now" and "Rental Balance" with decimal values.

Example: On May 5, the March billing period is still open and April rental has not yet been started. Lets assume we have a customer ABC with an asset agreement of 22 asset for type "CO2-244" and an asset balance of 11 for that same type.

The Rental balance page will show:

  • "Current Balance" = 11
  • "Leased as of Now" = 10.3
  • "Rental Balance" = 0.67

If we close the March billing period, these number will change to:

  • "Current Balance" = 11
  • "Leased as of Now" = 0
  • "Rental Balance" = 11

Lets explain the decimal values found before closing the billing period. March had 30 days, April 31, and as off today May 5th, 5 days, or a total of 66 days. Since prorating of asset agreements is enabled in the system and the March period is open (March has 31 days), the asset leased as of now is:

  • 31/66 days X 22 asset agreements = 10.33
  • Asset balance being 11, the rental balance as of now is: 11 - 10.33 = 0.67

Asset Search

Pulls assets in the customer's possession based on selected criteria. This can be done through using barcodes, serial numbers, project codes, and asset classifications, as well as other criteria.

Inventory Worksheet

This option automatically produces a printable worksheet of assets with a customer and lists the expected number of assets. It includes a number for assets which were not scanned.

Transfer Activity

This page displays all asset transfer activity for a customer (and optionally its departments, if any exist) over the specified date range.

Unexpected Transfers

This report shows any unusual or suspicious transfer activity for the specified customer and optionally, its departments. This typically indicates theft.

View Balance Changes Details

Displays the types of assets that have been delivered to or returned from the customer within a period of time. Data can be displayed based on date and asset type selections.

Since it's tracking changes over time, it starts at 0, and balances will increase or decrease over time. The intent is to be able to show that a balance increased or decreased by the amount shown on that page in that time range. So the balance changes you will see in the report output will vary depending on the date range used to view a snapshot of the balance changes.

To see the most complete picture of a customer's balance changes, be sure to use a wide date range, ideally covering the time period in which they started receiving deliveries.

View Balance Changes Summary

This report shows a summary of balance changes for a given customer and asset type. NOTE: This report provides output only for locations indicated as "Branches".

Customer Transaction History

This report outlines all assets that were delivered or returned within a given date range for a given customer. Deliveries and returns are matched up on the same line representing a round trip for the asset.

The following restrictions apply to the parameters supplied for this report: The provided start and end date values must represent valid dates and a valid date range. For example, the end date must come after the start date. The provided date range can cover a maximum or three years. The provided customer ID must exist within the database.