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Customer Rental Dashboard

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Customer Rental Dashboard
In Module: Rental
Short Description Provides a rental overview for customer accounts.
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TrackAbout now provides a configuration to enable Customer Rental Dashboards for clients subscribing to TrackAbout's Rental module. When enabled, this feature provides a synopsis display of each individual customer's data relevant to their rental activity.

How it Works

The Rental Dashboard is broken into three parts.

  1. Customer Info (This will be titled Department Info when viewing a Department/Child account)
  2. Rental Settings
  3. Rental Balance

Here's an example of a Customer Rental Dashboard:

Customer Rental Dashboard

New Features

As of May 2018, All headings under the Rental Settings section will be links to take the user to the particular Rental setting page.

Also, links will be provided in the Rental Balance section to take users directly to the Balance Changes Detail page.

Setting it Up

If you're interested in learning more about Customer Rental Dashboards or TrackAbout Rental in general, please contact your TrackAbout Support Team

