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Barcode Range Validation

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Barcode Range Validation
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description TrackAbout provides support for validating numeric barcode/tag ranges for barcodes in relation to the kind of assets they're associated with (i.e. individual assets, bundles, containers).
Available In: TAMobile 6 Desktop, TAMobile 6 Rugged
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Some companies use complex meaningful barcodes/tags to track their assets. TrackAbout provides support for validating numeric barcode/tag ranges for barcodes in relation to the kind of assets they're associated with (i.e. individual assets, bundles, containers).

How it works

Ranged Barcode Rules define the numbers that can be used for barcodes for each country code, issuer code, and asset class (cylinder, container, or pack/bundle) combination.

Ranged Barcode Rules.png

Barcodes must conform to the format [CCC][III][NNNNNNNN] where CCC is a three-digit country code, III is a three-digit issuer code, and NNNNNNNN is an eight-digit number. All values are padded with leading zeros. Different asset classes (e.g., cylinders, bundles, containers) are allotted number ranges per country / issuer combination.

For example, given country code 100, issuer code 301, a start of 00002000, and an end of 00005000 that apply to containers, valid barcodes would include 10030100002000 - 10030100005000.

Creating a Barcode Range Rule.png

Cylinder rules may include an optional asset family restriction, which helps users recognize the type of cylinder by barcode alone. This restriction is only enforced when adding a new cylinder or replacing a barcode.

Supported Actions

As of June 2016, Barcode Range Validation is available on TAMobile 6 and the rules apply to the following actions:

  • Add New / Edit
  • Add Container
  • Make Bundle
  • Make Pack
  • Replace Barcode
  • Proof of Delivery
  • Locate
  • Truck Load
  • Sort Trip
  • Customer Audit