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Auto-Disposal for Delivered Assets

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Auto-Disposal for Delivered Assets
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description Auto-Disposal for Delivered Assets
Available In: TAMobile 5, TAMobile 6 Desktop, TAMobile 6 Rugged, TAMobile Android, TAMobile iOS
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For some clients, once an asset has been delivered, they never expect to see it again. Further, they want it to be considered "disposed" of and removed from their active inventory.

How it Works

This feature allows clients to mark a product code as "disposable on delivery". After delivery of an asset of that type, TrackAbout creates a "Dispose Assets" record and sets the asset status to lost.

Additionally, TrackAbout will dispose containers when all of the assets inside it have been delivered, even if the container is not attached to a delivery record.

Clients may determine that a disposed asset can still be used. In these cases, when they later scan the disposed asset on another record (e.g., Locate or Sort Container), TrackAbout will create a "Recover Disposed Assets" record, which is functionally identical to a "Mark Not Lost" record.

Here's how it will look from your TrackAbout Website:

This is the Auto-Disposal Record as created after a delivery of product codes set up for auto-disposal:

Dispose Assets Record.png

A few from an asset's Asset History page and how the disposal records will appear:

Auto Disposal Records Asset History.png

From the Customer's Balance Changes Details page you will see notation that certain product codes are set for Auto-Disposal. Therefore you will see the delivery, but then they will be removed from the balance.

Dispose Assets Balance Changes Details.png

Setting it Up

This feature is included in your Core Tracking Subscription. Please contact your TrackAbout Support Team to set it up.



Disposing Assets