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What Is an Asset?

An asset is any physical object that you wish to track using TrackAbout. TrackAbout uses a globally unique identifier to individually track each and every asset. Typically, this unique identifier is either a barcode label or an RFID tag.

Product Code

A product code is the same thing as your part number, SKU, or catalog ID. This is the code that is used in the business system for a delivery of an asset to a customer.

Asset Classification

TrackAbout requires that you categorize each tracked asset into a four-level hierarchy.

Product Code

Product codes must be mapped to a Type. Whenever new product codes are introduced to TrackAbout, such as through various integration points to your back office systems, the new product codes must be mapped to Types.

The mapping of product codes to types allows TrackAbout to understand the information that comes in from your back office system, and properly categorize assets.

Adding Asset Classes and Product Codes