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Asset History

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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Asset History
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description Viewing Asset History and modifying an asset
Available In: TAMobile 5, TAMobile 6 Desktop, TAMobile 6 Rugged, TAMobile Android, TAMobile iOS
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From the time you initialize an asset, TrackAbout keeps a history of all actions that affect the asset.

Why do you need it

You can see the entire history of an asset on the website, and if necessary, correct any incorrect records. If an asset becomes lost or destroyed, TrackAbout also has options to handle those cases as well.

How it Works

View Asset History

Asset History.png

You can view an asset's history by either searching for the asset's barcode or serial number in the Quick Search box, or by navigating to it from an asset list on another page, such as from the asset list in the detailed view of a delivery record. When you navigate to an asset's history from a record, that record will be highlighted in the asset's history. An asset's history which has been navigated to from an Reclassify Assets record is shown with the Reclassify Assets record highlighted.

The instructions below show you how to find the asset history page from TrackAbout Activity, but the principles are the same for finding it through other pages as well.

  • Go to the TrackAbout Activity page:
  • Type “TrackAbout Activity” in the Jump To Box
  • Use the menu bar and go to Regular Maintenance > TrackAbout Activity
  • Make sure the date range includes the day you saved the records
  • Click Search
  • Click on the Effective Date link to see a detailed view of the record
  • In the Asset Summary by Product Code table, click the Detailed view
  • Click View in the History column

Anatomy of the Asset History Page

The Asset History page gives you details about the asset, all of it’s history in TrackAbout, and options to change the asset details. Any changes to the asset’s history must be done on the record that created the history entry.


Asset Details

  • This table shows the current attributes and status of the asset, including:
  • Barcode and Serial Number
  • Category, Group, Type, Product Code and Description
  • Ownership
  • Current Location
  • Status
  • If you want to collect more information about the asset, that will be shown here as well.

Asset Editing Options

  • Edit Asset Details: Allows you to change the asset details.
  • Split Asset History: If two assets were merged erroneously, this tool will allow you to split the history between the two assets.
  • Mark This Asset As Lost: If this asset is lost, you can mark it here. You also have the option to make the customer responsible for the loss, or mark it Lost In-House.
  • Retire This Asset: Allows you to remove the asset from tracking status.
  • Delete/Junk This Asset: This assumes that the asset should never have been initialized in the system. The asset must have no records attached to it in order for it to be deleted/junked.

Wireless Alerts

If your handhelds are connected to your wireless network, then the Asset History page allows you to add a wireless alert. When a record is saved with that asset, the wireless alert which you set will be sent down to the handheld. That will alert the user to confirm information you need to have checked on the asset, or make changes to the asset, while the asset is in their hands. Once the instructions specified in the wireless alert have been followed, the wireless alert will need to be deleted from the website so that it will no longer be sent to the handheld when the asset is scanned and saved.

Asset History

  • This table shows the entire history of the asset.
  • Date: This shows you the date of the action, and links to the record that stored the action.
  • Action: Shows what action was performed.
  • Resulting Location: Where the asset was located after the action.
  • Category
  • Group
  • Type
  • Product Code
  • Description
  • Barcode


Customizing it for You

If you need any of the functionality described under the Customizing it for You section, please contact your TrackAbout Support Team.

If you collect custom asset information on assets, they will be listed in the Asset Details section.



Asset History Wireless Alert Edit Split Lost Retire Delete Junk