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TrackAbout Feature
Feature Name: Alerts
In Module: Core Tracking
Short Description Establish email alert rules and push important information about assets and transactions to defined recipients.
Available In: TAMobile 5, TAMobile 6 Desktop, TAMobile 6 Rugged, TAMobile Android, TAMobile iOS
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Email Alerts

The Alerts page lists the various types of alerts that the TrackAbout system currently supports and indicates when an alert of each type would run.

  • Available Alert Types
    • Expiring Assets - This alert allows you to be notified whenever assets are due to expire in the number of days specified.
    • Transfer of Assets Matching Criteria - This alert allows you to be notified whenever assets matching specific criteria are transferred.

You may temporarily disable alerts by setting its Status to Disabled. This is a good alternative to deleting an alert if you think you might wish to use a similar alert in the future.

Alert Types.png

Alert functions are found in the TrackAbout menu under the Alerts menu item.

NOTE: Alerts are limited for access and visibility to only the User that creates them.

As a user creates Alerts, they will be visible on the Alert List page. To create a new Alert, click the “Add a New Alert” link in the top right of the Alert List page OR select the Create New Alert menu option along the menu to the left of the screen.

Notes about Alerts:

  • You can view the alerts you created in the Alert List page
  • The Alert List page is user specific. You can only see the alerts that you created, and you cannot see the alerts that other users have created.

Expiring Assets Alerts

This alert allows you to be notified whenever assets are due to expire in the number of days specified.

Expiring Assets.png

The creator will be prompted to enter:

  • A name for the alert.
  • Notes describing the alert’s purpose.
  • Whether it is a “One- Shot” alert. This means the alert will only run one time and become disabled.
  • Enable or Disable the alert.
  • Identify the email addresses which should receive the alert notifications.
  • Asset Criteria (what should set of the alert):
    • All asset whether they are in-house or with any customer
    • Asset at any customer
    • Asset at this one customer (then enter that customer number)
  • Set the number of days prior to expiration the alert should go off.

Transfer of Assets Matching Criteria Alerts

This alert allows you to be notified whenever assets matching specific criteria are transferred.

The creator will be prompted to enter:

  • A name for the alert.
  • Notes describing the alert’s purpose.
  • Whether it is a “One- Shot” alert. This means the alert will only run one time and become disabled.
  • Enable or Disable the alert.
  • Identify the email addresses which should receive the alert notifications.

Alerts that Fill an Excel Template

In addition to sending emails, alerts can also fill in an Excel spreadsheet template you specify with data from the record and/or assets that fired the alert. The template will be saved in your FTP drop point directory using a filename pattern you specify.

Template files must be in Excel 2007 format or later. See the template language reference for details on the special tags you can use in your template that will be replaced by record/asset data.

Once you have your template ready, contact support to get your alert set up.

Wireless Alerts

The text you enter in the alert will be displayed on wireless mobile units after a record containing this asset has been saved wirelessly. There can be only one wireless alert note per asset. Actions that trigger the message includes Wireless lookup, Delivery and Pickup, etc. The alerts do not go away after triggered, a user needs to remove the alert.