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TrackAbout Modules are logical groupings of Features based on the functionality they provide.

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ModuleModule DescriptionBusiness ProcessTAMobile
Bulk Deliveries & ForecastingThe TrackAbout Bulk Delivery and Forecasting Module is used to track deliveries of bulk products (liquid CO2
etc) into tanks at customer sites.
liquid oxygen
DistributionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Certificate of Analysis (COA)The TrackAbout Certificate of Analysis module eliminates the need to store paper COAs. It enables you to provide product quality data electronically and eliminate many of the manual activities currently performed by sales and customer service teams.ProductionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Certificate of Analysis (COA)The TrackAbout Certificate of Analysis module eliminates the need to store paper COAs. It enables you to provide product quality data electronically and eliminate many of the manual activities currently performed by sales and customer service teams.ProductionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Core TrackingThis module facilitates the management of individual
unique assets that are typically tracked with a barcode or RFID tag and serial number. It is the foundation of other modules and provides the basis from which additional features function.
Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Crib Replenishment (Crib Ordering)TrackAbout also has a basic capability to receive crib detail data from the client. This data describes the different cribs that exist and the items that the cribs contain.Asset ManagementTAMobile 5
Customer Portal (Follow-On Tracking)TrackAbout’s Follow-On Tracking module grants your customers controlled access to a restricted view of your TrackAbout web site so they can track and view information for assets at their locations. With your permission
they can be granted the ability to move assets internally within locations throughout their facility.
Asset Management
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Dynamic FormsTrackAbout Dynamic Forms is a flexible way to collect customizable data from a mobile device.Asset ManagementTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Dynamic WorkflowTrackAbout’s Dynamic Workflow on TAMobile 7 (Android and iOS) allows you to customize your TrackAbout mobile app in the ways that work for your business.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Gas AnalysisTrackAbout’s Gas Analysis module helps eliminate paperwork by validating
and attaching analysis information to a production record. TrackAbout has a simple user interface to add analysis rules and associate them with the products that need to have these tests performed.
ProductionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Gas AnalysisTrackAbout’s Gas Analysis module helps eliminate paperwork by validating
and attaching analysis information to a production record. TrackAbout has a simple user interface to add analysis rules and associate them with the products that need to have these tests performed.
ProductionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
High Pressure TelemetryRemote telemetry devices send pressure readings to TrackAbout’s secure data center. From the TrackAbout site
readings can be viewed and alerts can be sent when certain conditions are met. Reports can be viewed online by you or your customer.
DistributionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Linked ExchangeTrackAbout Linked Exchange allows your company to share asset information with partners in your supply chain who also use TrackAbout
enabling both organizations to see the exchange of assets between facilities.
Supply ChainTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Maintenance Tracking & SchedulingThis module allows an operator or multiple operators to record maintenance activity being performed on your assets. Assets can be flagged for maintenance during inspection scanning.Asset ManagementTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Maintenance Tracking & SchedulingThis module allows an operator or multiple operators to record maintenance activity being performed on your assets. Assets can be flagged for maintenance during inspection scanning.Asset ManagementTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Mobile Printing and Proof of Delivery ReceiptTrackAbout Mobile Printing enables the creation of delivery receipt paperwork in the field using a Bluetooth or otherwise-connected printer.DistributionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Mobile Printing and Proof of Delivery ReceiptTrackAbout Mobile Printing enables the creation of delivery receipt paperwork in the field using a Bluetooth or otherwise-connected printer.DistributionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
PalletizationPalletization makes it easier for operators and drivers to record actions for many assets at once by scanning the pallet tag rather than all the constituent assets.Asset Management
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
PalletizationPalletization makes it easier for operators and drivers to record actions for many assets at once by scanning the pallet tag rather than all the constituent assets.Asset Management
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Product Usage ReportingWith the TrackAbout Product Usage Reporting module you can create reports showing the amount of gas that goes into the products you sell.ProductionTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Proof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)TrackAbout’s Proof of Delivery module allows drivers and dock workers to record customer deliveries without needing a paper copy of the order.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
RentalTrackAbout Rental automates and streamlines the management of rented or leased portable assets.Asset ManagementTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Smartphone AppTrackAbout's smartphone app for iOS and Android enables users to perform a variety of asset tracking operations.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Smartphone AppTrackAbout's smartphone app for iOS and Android enables users to perform a variety of asset tracking operations.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
TrackAbout Test EnvironmentsUse a test environment for training
testing new releases and features
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Load and Manifest compliments the TrackAbout Paperless Delivery and Mobile Printing modules by sharing detailed asset information to reduce driver delivery errors and increase efficiency.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Load and Manifest compliments the TrackAbout Paperless Delivery and Mobile Printing modules by sharing detailed asset information to reduce driver delivery errors and increase efficiency.Asset Management
Supply Chain
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Tube Trailer Volume CalculationThe TrackAbout Tube Trailer Volume module is used to determine the gas volume inside of a tube trailer.Distribution
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
User ActivityUser Activity Tracking Tracks specific activity of individual workers throughout the work dayAsset Management
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged

Any unit of functionality that creates business value is a Feature.
Many features bundled together comprise a Module.
Some features may contribute value to multiple Modules.

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FeatureModuleFeature DescriptionTAMobile
Accounting AdjustmentsCore TrackingCustomer balances are determined by asset deliveries and returns. However
there are instances in which balances need to be modified outside of those transactions to ensure balances are accurate. These scenarios result in Accounting Adjustments.
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
Adding Asset Classifications and Product CodesCore TrackingAsset Classifications are an integral TrackAbout feature to structure your product inventory.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Adding Asset Classifications and Product CodesCore TrackingAsset Classifications are an integral TrackAbout feature to structure your product inventory.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Alert File Template Language ReferenceCore TrackingThis feature works along with Email Alerts and allows for an Excel file to be generated based on record save.
AlertsCore TrackingEstablish email alert rules and push important information about assets and transactions to defined recipients.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Asset Agreement Renewal TemplateRentalA Rich Text Format (RTF) file is used as the template for the Printable Asset Agreement Form Template.
Asset AgreementsRentalAsset Agreements are an agreement between you and your customer to not charge a customer rent for a specific type and quantity of assets for a specified amount of time.
Asset FamiliesCore TrackingAsset Families provides a means to group products together for the application of business rules and validation.
Asset HistoryCore TrackingViewing Asset History and modifying an assetTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Asset Reclassification (Change Service)Core TrackingAllows Assets to Change Product or ItemTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Auto ClassifyCore TrackingAuto Classify allows an asset to be automatically classified based on the prefix of the barcode being scanned.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Auto-Disposal for Delivered AssetsCore TrackingAuto-Disposal for Delivered AssetsTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Barcode Range ValidationCore TrackingTrackAbout provides support for validating numeric barcode/tag ranges for barcodes in relation to the kind of assets they're associated with (i.e. individual assets
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Black Hole RecoveryCore TrackingAllows companies to "find" unknown assets and gather metrics about unknown asset population.
Branch TransfersCore TrackingThe process of moving assets among your internal locations. Used both during Core Tracking basic Delivery and Proof of Delivery.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Business RulesCore TrackingRules for defining workflowsTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
CollisionsCore TrackingThis automated feature helps prevent duplicated information in your system.
Compare Truck Inventory to OrdersTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationThis feature is used to make sure that there are enough assets on the truck to fulfill all of the orders for the day.
Consumables and Hard GoodsCore TrackingTrackAbout provides the ability to deliver and bill for items non-returnable items.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Create OrderCore Tracking
Current InventoryCore TrackingThe Current Inventory page of the TrackAbout website lets you quickly search your entire asset population.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Customer AuditCore TrackingThis feature is used for visiting a customer's location and performing a physical audit of all assets on site.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Customer Rental DashboardRentalProvides a rental overview for customer accounts.
Customer ReportsCore TrackingA set of standard website reporting to provide information about customer accounts.
CustomersCore TrackingSetting up CustomersTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
CustomersCore TrackingSetting up CustomersTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Dashboard MaintenanceCore TrackingThe TrackAbout Dashboard provides a means to identify issues with your data or processes you might need to address.
Data LockCore TrackingData Lock is designed to protect existing records in TrackAbout from unwanted changes.
Deliver/Return ActionCore TrackingAllow users to deliver ordered goods to a customer and possibly pick up returnable or empty goods.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Deliver/Return Editing: Change TruckCore TrackingAllows users to change the truck on a delivery record
Deliver/Return Editing: Switch Deliver / ReturnAllows users to change the assets on Delivery records between "Deliver" and "Return".
Delivery Receipt E-mailSmartphone AppEmail customers a delivery confirmationTAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Delivery by Common CarrierCore TrackingAllows assets to be transferred to a customer or another location using a common carrier (such as FedEx or UPS).TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Delivery without Customer or InvoiceCore TrackingThis feature allows your operator to complete a delivery transaction despite missing customer or invoice information.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Dock PickupCore TrackingA feature to handle returning assets representing several customer accountsTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Equipment RentalRentalThis is typically used for renting welding machines and other large pieces of equipment.
Exchange BalancesCore TrackingTrackAbout uses special logic to track "Exchange" assets that are typically not closely tracked.
Expiring Asset AgreementsRentalIdentify Expiring Asset Agreements and renew them.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
File-Based Import/ExportCore TrackingTrackAbout can import data from flat files in various file formats.
Fill TrackingCore TrackingFilling a previously Empty Asset.
Typically an internal process to make an asset ready for use. For example
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Find InventoryCertificate of Analysis (COA)TAM7 (Smartphone) Feature to locate inventory based on location or productTAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Flat FeesRental"Flat fee" refers to a pricing structure that charges a single fixed fee for a service
regardless of usage.
Generating Rental BillsRentalAllow TrackAbout to calculate and generate your customer Rental Invoices.
Internal Inventory AuditCore TrackingThe Physical Inventory process allows for internal asset auditing and “cycle counts”.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Internal UsersCore TrackingEstablish and Manage User AccountsTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Internal UsersCore TrackingEstablish and Manage User AccountsTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Invoice RepositoryCore TrackingTrackAbout can be configured to generate a primary delivery ticket number.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Load truckTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationThe Load Truck action moves assets onto a truck.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
LocalizationCore TrackingLocalization allows to customize your instance to supported languagesTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Location Restricted UsersCore TrackingAllows you to limit user functionality to selected locationsTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Lost AssetsCore TrackingTrackAbout provides a means to mark assets as lost and remove them from your active inventory..
Lot Number TrackingCore TrackingTrackAbout provides the means to allow you to track your own Lot Numbers
or we can generate Lot Numbers for you as part of our Filling functionality.
TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Maintenance Tracking: Action SchedulesMaintenance Tracking & SchedulingAction Schedule provides a means to set reporting “rules” associated with your Maintenance Actions.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Management ReportsCore TrackingStandard TrackAbout reports available on your website to give you information about your assets and activity.
Mapping New Product CodesCore TrackingHow to Map New Product CodesTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Mobile OrderingSmartphone AppAllow your operators to submit Orders for assets right from their mobile device.TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Mobile RolesCore TrackingMobile Roles are used to limit the actions of the handheld to just those actions that a given kind of user needs to use.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Mobile RolesCore TrackingMobile Roles are used to limit the actions of the handheld to just those actions that a given kind of user needs to use.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
NavigationCore Tracking
New User E-Mail TemplateCore TrackingTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Not-Scanned AssetsCore TrackingA feature to allow assets without tags/barcodes to be tracked for particular processes such as Production and Distribution
Offline ModeCore TrackingOffline mode allows you to perform essential tracking actions without internet connectionTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Order PlanningCore TrackingManage Pending Deliveries (Orders)TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
OwnershipCore TrackingSpecify who owns a particular assetTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Pairing a Zebra ZQ520 for use with TAM6 and TAM7Core TrackingWireless PrintingTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Password SecurityCore TrackingProtect data by ensuring password complexity and requirements are adequateTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile 7 Android
TAMobile 7 iOS
Pool BalancesRentalUse barcode prefixes to identify which assets should be treated like "Exchange Types"
Post Telemetry Device DataHigh Pressure TelemetryAutomatic readings from telemetry devices are posted to the TrackAbout website through this web service interface.
Pre-TripCore TrackingPre-Trip allows a driver to associate their handheld with a Truck.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Product Code Expiration DatesCore TrackingAlert Users to when products are expiredTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Product Code GenerationCore Tracking
Proof of Delivery ReceiptProof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Customizable templates are available for Proof of Delivery receipts.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Proof of Delivery on TAM7 (iOS and Android)Proof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Proof of Delivery as it works for TAMobile 7TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Quick MapCore TrackingTAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Rack FillingCore TrackingConduct Filling by Manfold/RackTAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Receive from Vendor (Third Party Filling)Core TrackingTrackAbout's Receive from Vendor (also often called Third Party Filling) is used to record the fact that assets have been received from an outside facility.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Record EditingCore TrackingMake changes to already created recordsTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Remapping and Editing Product CodesCore TrackingEdit or Remap Existing Product CodesTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Remove From Lot (Blow Down)Core TrackingRemove the Lot Number from an AssetTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Remove Stale InventoryCore TrackingThe Remove Stale Inventory tool provides a way to identify assets that have not been scanned in a defined period of time and mark them as Lost.
Rental BalanceRentalThis Customer report displays the current rental balance of the selected customer and all departments that bill with this customer.
Rental Bill ConfigurationRentalCustomize the rental invoice generated through TrackAbout for your rental customers.
Rental Bill Hold and ReleaseRentalThe TrackAbout Rental Module allows a hold status to be placed on customers that require any kind of special handling each month.
Rental ClassesRentalRental Classes provide the default pricing structure for assets in the TrackAbout rental system.
Rental Rates and MethodsRentalSet up List and Special pricing for items rented through TrackAbout.
Replace BarcodeCore TrackingThis function allows you to replace/change the barcode/tag for an assetTAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
ReportsTrackAbout Support can create customized reports for you provide through the TrackAbout website or email subscription
Reservations: Assigning AssetsProof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Assigning specific assets to ordersTAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Shortcut BarcodesTrackAbout provides support for users to create their own special shortcut barcodes for speeding data entry into a scanner.
Sign Many (Capture Multiple Signatures)Core TrackingTAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Smartphone GeolocationSmartphone AppCapture device GPS information during scanningTAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Sorting AssetsCore TrackingThese actions are used to sort individual assets when no container is needed or available.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Stopped AssetsCore TrackingRecall
The Block
and Complaint (Empty and Full) actions are all used as a way to "stop" an asset from being used by most TrackAbout actions.
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Switch between Load Truck and Unload TruckTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationChange a record action from Load to Unload or vice versa.
TAMobile 7 Android BasicsSmartphone AppInformation about the Basics of TAMobile 7 on AndroidTAMobile Android
Truck AuditTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Audit allows an operator to conduct a blind count of the assets by product loaded onto the truck.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Truck ManifestTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationTrackAbout can create a Truck Manifest. A Truck Manifest is used for recording what is on a truck
and is commonly used for government compliance record keeping.
Truck ReconciliationTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationThis feature is used to compare assets which were loaded on the truck and unloaded from the truck against assets which were delivered and returned during the truck's run.
Units of MeasureCore TrackingClients will use Units of Measure to enter and auto-convert numbers for different units.
Unload TruckTruck Load Unload and ReconciliationThe Unload Truck action moves assets out of a truck location and into the inventory of the branch the user of the handheld selected when he signed into TrackAbout.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Use StatesCore TrackingA Use State describes the status or condition of an asset.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
User Access ControlCore TrackingAllows users to define the permissions for each user role
Valve TrackingCore TrackingCollect information about valves and establish rules to control their use.TAMobile 5
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
TAMobile Android
TAMobile iOS
Variable VolumeCore TrackingVariable volume allows you to track the fill volume of assets during the fill process.TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged
Wireless Collision MessagesCore TrackingUsers
saving TrackAbout data wirelessly
will receive messages on their handheld when their actions have caused a collision.
TAMobile 6 Desktop
TAMobile 6 Rugged

This is a work in progress! An easy to read matrix of which features are supported where

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ModuleFeatureBusiness ProcessTAMobile
Certificate of Analysis (COA)Find Inventory
Core TrackingAccounting Adjustments
Core TrackingAdding Asset Classifications and Product Codes
Core TrackingAdding Asset Classifications and Product Codes
Core TrackingAlert File Template Language Reference
Core TrackingAlerts
Core TrackingAsset Families
Core TrackingAsset History
Core TrackingAsset Reclassification (Change Service)
Core TrackingAuto Classify
Core TrackingAuto-Disposal for Delivered Assets
Core TrackingBarcode Range Validation
Core TrackingBlack Hole Recovery
Core TrackingBranch Transfers
Core TrackingBusiness Rules
Core TrackingCollisions
Core TrackingConsumables and Hard Goods
Core TrackingCreate Order
Core TrackingCurrent Inventory
Core TrackingCustomer Audit
Core TrackingCustomer Reports
Core TrackingCustomers
Core TrackingCustomers
Core TrackingDashboard Maintenance
Core TrackingData Lock
Core TrackingDeliver/Return Action
Core TrackingDeliver/Return Editing: Change Truck
Core TrackingDelivery by Common Carrier
Core TrackingDelivery without Customer or Invoice
Core TrackingDock Pickup
Core TrackingExchange Balances
Core TrackingFile-Based Import/Export
Core TrackingFill Tracking
Core TrackingInternal Inventory Audit
Core TrackingInternal Users
Core TrackingInternal Users
Core TrackingInvoice Repository
Core TrackingLocalization
Core TrackingLocation Restricted Users
Core TrackingLost Assets
Core TrackingLot Number Tracking
Core TrackingManagement Reports
Core TrackingMapping New Product Codes
Core TrackingMobile Roles
Core TrackingMobile Roles
Core TrackingNavigation
Core TrackingNew User E-Mail Template
Core TrackingNot-Scanned Assets
Core TrackingOffline Mode
Core TrackingOrder Planning
Core TrackingOwnership
Core TrackingPairing a Zebra ZQ520 for use with TAM6 and TAM7
Core TrackingPassword Security
Core TrackingPre-Trip
Core TrackingProduct Code Expiration Dates
Core TrackingProduct Code Generation
Core TrackingQuick Map
Core TrackingRack Filling
Core TrackingReceive from Vendor (Third Party Filling)
Core TrackingRecord Editing
Core TrackingRemapping and Editing Product Codes
Core TrackingRemove From Lot (Blow Down)
Core TrackingRemove Stale Inventory
Core TrackingReplace Barcode
Core TrackingSign Many (Capture Multiple Signatures)
Core TrackingSorting Assets
Core TrackingStopped Assets
Core TrackingUnits of Measure
Core TrackingUse States
Core TrackingUser Access Control
Core TrackingValve Tracking
Core TrackingVariable Volume
Core TrackingWireless Collision Messages
High Pressure TelemetryPost Telemetry Device Data
Maintenance Tracking & SchedulingMaintenance Tracking: Action Schedules
Proof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Proof of Delivery Receipt
Proof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Proof of Delivery on TAM7 (iOS and Android)
Proof of Delivery (Paperless Delivery)Reservations: Assigning Assets
RentalAsset Agreement Renewal Template
RentalAsset Agreements
RentalCustomer Rental Dashboard
RentalEquipment Rental
RentalExpiring Asset Agreements
RentalFlat Fees
RentalGenerating Rental Bills
RentalPool Balances
RentalRental Balance
RentalRental Bill Configuration
RentalRental Bill Hold and Release
RentalRental Classes
RentalRental Rates and Methods
Smartphone AppDelivery Receipt E-mail
Smartphone AppMobile Ordering
Smartphone AppSmartphone Geolocation
Smartphone AppTAMobile 7 Android Basics
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationCompare Truck Inventory to Orders
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationLoad truck
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationSwitch between Load Truck and Unload Truck
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Audit
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Manifest
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationTruck Reconciliation
Truck Load Unload and ReconciliationUnload Truck

Internal TrackAbout Use

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  • Edit the old feature page.
  • In the free text area, at the top or bottom, copy/paste this: <clippy show="true">{{subst:TrackAbout Feature Body}}</clippy>
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  • The entire TrackAbout Feature Body template will be injected into the page where you placed the tag.
  • Note that future changes to the template WILL NOT be reflected in the pages. This is basically like an automatic copy/paste.