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Core Tracking

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TrackAbout Module
Module Name: Core Tracking
Short Description This module facilitates the management of individual, unique assets that are typically tracked with a barcode or RFID tag and serial number. It is the foundation of other modules and provides the basis from which additional features function.
Supported In: TAMobile 5, TAMobile 6 Rugged, TAMobile Android, TAMobile iOS, TAMobile 6 Desktop
Business Process: Asset Management, Production, Distribution, Supply Chain
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The Core Asset Tracking Module is the foundation for unique, serialized asset tracking in TrackAbout.

This module facilitates the management of individual, unique assets that are typically tracked with a barcode or RFID tag and serial number. It is the foundation of other modules and provides the basis from which additional features function.


Some key benefits of knowing where assets are at all times include:

  • Improves ability to prove accountability for their cylinders. End customers lose cylinders, and traditionally when the distributor calls their end customer on these losses, disputes arise and lawsuits ensue. TrackAbout largely mitigates the cost of lawsuits as our clients can show every delivery and return of every asset.

  • Ability to quickly locate assets for recovery and reuse. Certain gases will bleed off and cylinders will be empty after a period of time regardless of usage. These assets can be recovered and refilled, reducing the size of the asset fleet a distributor needs. This can (and does) save a large distributor millions of dollars each year.

  • Ability to track recurring unexpected transfer scenarios. Problem end customers who repeatedly "lose" a distributor's assets can be detected over time by tracking their unexpected transfers. Theft and shrinkage can be reduced.

  • Ability to optimize inventory among multiple locations. A distributor with multiple branches can optimize the utilization of their asset pool among multiple physical locations by moving assets between. TrackAbout allows the distributor to find unused assets at one location and target them to be moved to another where there is higher demand.

  • Accuracy of balances. Existing accounting systems in the industry grow increasingly inaccurate over time. Several systems we have witnessed will allow an end customer's balance to actually go negative if that customer returns more assets than they were delivered. Some end customers "acquire" additional cylinders and return them, which sends their balance negative, which means that future delivered assets are not counted with respect to rental charges. Accurate balances mean accurate rental bills, which also cuts down on disputes with customers.

  • Accuracy leads to transparency. With accurate tracking and balance info, a distributor can be confident enough to allow its end customer to view the same data. This provides opportunities to sell new tracking services to the end customer allowing that end customer to service its own account, saving costs. This is the idea behind our Follow-On Tracking module.

Core Tracking Features

The page Core Tracking Features provides a list of features available in the Core Tracking module, and how to set them up.


Key Concepts -- this page contains information about several integral features of Core Asset Tracking.

Mobile Unit Resources -- Mobile devices are a very important component of gathering asset information In-House and on the Road to keep accurate records of asset location.